Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Hardcore View of History

I definitely agree that "if you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday" (Pearl Buck).  But how can we really expect to do this when "history is written by the winners" (Alex Haley)?  We have grown up learning the stories that those who "won" wanted to be known by, and until fairly recently, we were pretty much stuck with those versions.  

With the advent of "The Information Age", we can do so much more than plan our next big vacation or do a year's worth of shopping in 30 minutes.  We can utilize the perspectives of others in order to broaden our understanding and perhaps even change our outlooks.  

Dan Carlin is a history buff and an out-of-the-box thinker who enjoys looking at history (and current events) from a different point of view, with a different set of questions, and tends to do his homework.  Will everyone enjoy him?  Probably not.  But I definitely think he's worth a listen.  

It's time to tune into Hardcore History and be prepared to see things in a different light